I tried to keep both arts alive, but the camera won.
I found that while the camera does not express the soul, perhaps a
photograph can!
In case you're wondering, no that isn't Ansel Adams in the photo above. That's merely photographic evidence to back me up when I say that I have had a very longtime love affair with photography. That's me in high school trying to express my soul.
Like Adams, I too tried to keep both arts alive – art and photography. I was on newspaper staff and my senior year was only the second person in the school's history to be both art AND photo editor. I was better at one, but loved both – and for me the pencil won out over the camera.
Photography for me now is like picking up a pencil and drawing in the sketchbook. It can be the genesis of an idea, but most often it's merely a good way to stir up the creative stew. So without further ado, I'll share some of my personal photography work as promised last time (clicking the images below opens a larger, more detailed view). I'll try to organize them into categories because . . . well, I'm just kinda anal that way.
I love shooting animals. A trip to the zoo or a hike in the woods is like a little photographic safari for me. I love trying to capture God's incredible creative diversity in the animal kingdom.
Right Place, Right Time
"I'd rather be lucky than good." I don't know who the first person to say that was, but I'd bet they were a photographer. For the countless times I've missed a great shot because I didn't have my camera when the shot was there, here's a few where Homey got lucky.
OK, the bottom shot is a good example of why Photoshop is so great, even for the casual shutterbug. This was exactly the shot I wanted – the one that captured the time spent with my daughter as she watched the seals play. But the shots with the seal also had many other silhouetted children in them as well. Combining a great shot of the seal with the right shot of Summer (minus the adult who was partially in the left of the frame) captures not just how I remember this in my head, but in my heart as well.
One of my favorite subjects to shoot is my family – especially our children. I love it when you get just the right shot that transcends being a snapshot and captures the essence of the child, or communicates the emotion of a moment perfectly.
Purty Pitchures
Capturing beauty has long been the pursuit of both artists and photographers. I'm a big proponent of design as a storytelling mechanism. I try to tell stories in my photography as well. Sometimes, the story is just the communication of what strikes me as being beautiful – what Ansel Adams would call "expressing my soul."
Going back and reworking some of these shots for this post has reinforced just how closely related design and photography really are. So close in fact that (as these examples have hopefully demonstrated) when I take the camera out for a little spin, design always ends up riding shotgun. My sense of design influences the way I shoot, and working the shots after the fact hones my design skills. All of which makes me very excited for my next opportunity to play in both sandboxes – Photoshop for the Soul.
ALOHA my friends!